Alexa Voice Assistant from Amazon to be part of Fire Tablets

by Bhawani Singh 1,029 views0

Fire Tablets from Amazon are to get the Alexa Voice Assistant service from Wednesday onwards. There are already devices from Amazon like Echo Speakers and the new additional service on Fire tablets will be equivalent to such devices with Alexa service. The voice assistant service will enable the user to give voice command, order one to read out news or listen to music from Pandora or Amazon Music.

Fire Tablets better than Echo

We can draw an comparison on both due to the Alexa service but definitely the Fire Tablets are way better as they have a full screen cards and other additional details. In case of Echo speakers on asking for current weather or forecast, Alexa will speak out the current temperature and others but in case of Fire Tablets along with speaking there will be a display as well of the week’s forecast. There is playback control like pausing, skipping etc for playing music or news. There are devices with both Fire and Echo and in such cases Echo will take the voice request but will turn on the Fire screen to present the detailed cards but the voice cast feature needs to be enabled through Alexa app.

Alexa is different

There is voice command or assistant available in Apple’s Siri as well as through Google’s Assistant but the exclusivity of Amazon’s Alexa is it will be first available for tablets rather than for phones. As it will be designed for tablets initially it will be a great help in finding entertainment, recipes etc. On making a normal search using Alexa like restaurant search it search through web and directs one to Alexa app. When we talk about Google and Apple there are many integrations like ratings for hotel, price etc that come along chat apps.


It is true that the market for tablets is not as huge as market for phones but Amazon has been able to sell lot of tabs by reducing the prices with discounts. There are many tablet models available from Amazon at throw away price and one of the example is the new 8 inch tablet that is now available at a price of $90. As of now Amazon has not devoted much of its time in designing business oriented tablets as they believe it is not only used as laptop replacement but source of entertainment. Aaron Bromberg, Senior Product Manager of Fire Tablets said “We also see an awful lot of people that want tablets to use around the house for entertainment.”

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