Celkon and Swipe Mobiles will now come with Indus OS
by August 1, 2016 2,920 views0
The Indian SmartPhone OS, “Indus OS” was working with The Indian Tech Giant Micromax. Indus was looking for the further extensions in Indian Market and now it has moved one step forward in this direction. On Wednesday, Indus OS announced that the firm is now going to tie-up with Celkon and Swipe SmartPhone brands to increase its market share in India.
Highlights of This Tie-up :
• Indus OS, as the name suggest is an Indian SmartPhone Operating System (First India Made OS).
• Indus now will offer its services to Celkon and Swipe SmartPhone brands.
• Till this tie-up the OS came with Micromax Company.
Just after this announcement, the firm said that this step is to increase market share and Indus now will be available in Micromax, Celkon and Swipe SmartPhone Devices. To recall, Micromax Unite 3 SmartPhone was the first device which has Indus OS Operating System in it. Now Indus OS runs in 35+ SmartPhone devices in India.
CEO of the company, Mr. Rakesh Deshmukh said that he is very excited to tie-up with Celkon and Swipe SmartPhone brands as both these SmartPhone Brands has similar vision as Indus OS. The first is also aiming for a 1/6 market share in terms of SmartPhone devices which means from 6 Smart Phones in India, 1 must have Indus OS by 2017. It is notable that just like Micromax, Celkon and Swipe are also Indian Brands.
After this announcement it is sure that Indus OS will definitely expand its market share as well as its reach towards the customers as now it will be on three SmartPhone brands. Working with Micromax will not be effected after this new tie-up and now Indus OS will work with all three (Micromax, Celkon and Swipe) brands smoothly.
Before this tie-up, Indus OS launched the updated (Indus OS 2.0) version of Operating System in Micromax Unite 4. As this is the latest version yet thus new devices from Micromax, Celkon and Swipe SmartPhone brands may come with Indus OS 2.0. Celkon has amazing reach in South India which will make it possible for Indus OS to reach the South Indian Users. The first device from Celkon which will come with Indus OS is “Campus PRIDE”.