Micromax: Rumors of the launch of four 4G Smartphones

by Kumkum Sharma 3,344 views0

The festive season now will be more fun with the coming of four exclusive 4G smartphone by the far-reached handset maker Micromax. The rumours of the launch are in the air of hitting the market close to the festive season with a price under $1000, about 5,700 on the mounting demand of LTE devices.

The Google shares the partnership with Micromax pre-installing the Duo, calling app, on all the four sets.

The difficulties of video calling is a most-heard thing making it a urban phenomenon, but with Micromax, the expectation bar is certainly going to rise with possibilities of rise in the potentials to facilitate the service by exceeding beyond the tier 1 market. For this reason, claims proudly to be an unmatched competition for this times, says Micromax co-founder Vikas Jain to PTI. The new ‘video series’ will enable the users to find the DUO app and shall be an ultimate kick start for Micromax in this festive season.

The 4G Smartphone demands are mounting in India as the operators wish to expand the high-speed Internet service (4G LTE) network. With the coming of the Reliance Jio 4G services, the demand for 4G shall tremendously increases adding to the consistency of the trend demand, says the analysts. The Jio comes along with low data rates and free voice calls to the customers.

Noting a development of more than 6 times in the same year, the 4G Smartphone shipments positioned at 15.4 million in January-March 2016, as per the research firm IDC. Well, the teamwork with the Google Duo is highly important.

The operation as per the details of the product looks to have an easy operation for its sub-USB 100 available in all he four phones. It is feasible to handle the Duo’s easy interface. Google, as per the last year record, has launched Duo for iOS and Android users that vie with the apps like Skype and Facetime.

This year, Google at its I/O developer conference, seeks to rule out the difficulties of video calling. And certainly with Micromax new set of four will stand efficiently on the demand of clear video call. “In the first month alone we have seen over 10 million downloads, with US and India being among the top countries,” Google Group Product Manager Amit Fulay said. The best part is Duo provides the accessibility of connecting phone numbers without a different account/username.

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