Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones too hot to NOT Catch Fire!

by Bhawani Singh 1,523 views0

Samsung Galaxy Note 7

It has been reported that two of the Samsung’s newest release in Galaxy Note 7 have caught fire in the country of China; this might be the first incident of this kind in the largest market of the Smartphone of the world. First incident maybe, un-anticipated, probably not, this was going to happen any day now according to our very own unnecessary analysts.

Although Samsung said as it went on defense that they found no such defect in their Smartphones in the testing rounds.

Some user of social media of China posted that his friend’s device, The galaxy Note 7 suddenly went on fire during the weekends.

When contacted by phone (hopefully not through Galaxy Note 7 or maybe just the same!!) the dude said on the request of not exposing his name which he forgot was a meaningless request because Social media of China…and the world as well! He said that they bought the phone over at the an e-commerce site and told that the Smartphone device soon started to heat up then vibrated like a vibrator and finally exploded and released black fumes…of unrest of the machines.

Samsung contacted the dude to buy his silence which the guy refused to do so. He then again requested hard to stay unidentified, and everybody just nodded and left.

Another bloke said that this other Galaxy Note 7 phone exploded while he was playing a game on it! Wait –wait –wait, they bought a thousand bucks worth of a new Smartphone and did the same activity like they did with their previous Smartphone, strange! said that they are conducting a review internally for the first case where Samsung never bothered to respond the emails.

Samsung had released the Galaxy Note 7 around on the September 1 amid the international reports of the device catching fire in world all over.

Samsung said that they would stop sales in 10 countries for Galaxy Note 7, a very monumental decision. They have used another battery for the sales in China that may be the problem for all the fire and explosion related complaints.

Samsung has recalled around like 2000 galaxy Note 7 phones in China according to a report that were made between 20 July and 5 August!

We personally think that the blood deal with the Satan That Apple made is the real reason behind this strange phenomenon, don’t blame Samsung for those fiery explosions!

The final countdown:

• Fire reports of Galaxy Note 7 burning catching fire in China.
• Samsung had assured that Galaxy Note 7 is a-ok to use.
• Samsung has so far recalled around 2000 units.

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