Tablet Market is Still Shrinking Worldwide : IDC Reports

by Kumkum Sharma 1,192 views0

Is it possible that Tablet Market Leaders get changed? Till now it seems impossible as Global Tablet Market is still shrinking to some popular brands only. International Data Corporation (IDC) reported on Monday that, tablet market got a decline from last year as well as the top two contributors are still Apple and Samsung.

Highlights of The Report :

• IDC reported 12.3% decline in tablet sale from last year’s similar quarter.

• IDC reported that 38.7 Million Tablets were sold in April-June Quarter whereas the number was 44.1 Million in last year’s similar quarter.

• 65% of the sold Tablets were Android Tablets and the remaining were iPad and Windows Tablets.

IDC announced its global report on Tablets Sale for April-June Quarter on Monday. Report says that in this Quarter, The number of Tablets shipped was 38.7 Million which means a decline of 12.3% or 5.4 Million from the Last year’s 44.1 Million in Tablet Market worldwide.

The report also suggests that in this Quarter, Google’s Android OS based Tablets got the first rank by having 65% share of total tablet sale. Apple’s iOS enabled Tablets got second rank by having 26% share and Microsoft Windows OS based Tablets got the third rank with having the remaining share.

According to market research:-

Jitesh Ubrani (Senior Research Analyst, IDC) said that market research has told that users as well as companies are looking for more Productivity as well as Multi-tasking from The OS that’s why the growth in detachable is continuing smoothly. Apple and Windows offer various detachable products which Android not offers yet and it may not offer these in recent future too.

IDC also said that this market research shows that Tablet Makers now may move from Android to Windows OS as people now not only use Tablets for entertainment but they want to do their office work too. Using Windows OS based Tablet allows the user to easily use Multi-tasking as well as various Microsoft Products (Such as MS-Office and Others).

Apple shipped 10 Million iPads in this quarter which is 25.8% of the market thus Apple still holds the first rank in Tablet Market. Although Samsung’s Tablet sale sink by 24.5% from last year’s 6 Million Units yet it holds the The Second Rank in the Tablet Market in this quarter.

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