User complain of battery Life issue in iPhone followed by the update with iOS 10.1.1

by Kumkum Sharma 998 views0

Apple’s battery was never tagged as exceptionally good as compared to Android phone but with the regular updates and hardware optimisation it tends to give a satisfactory performance. The battery of Apple phones never gave any major issue until after the recent update to iOS 10.1.1 where users complained of battery life issue. It is reported that the update caused some conflict of the hardware and software leading to device shutting off and battery draining.

Issues related to battery

There are many complaints regarding the battery issue after the upgrade and most of them was seen on the Apple’s support forum. The users usually complained of the draining and abrupt shutting of the device as soon as the Apple phone was upgraded to iOS 1.1. There are many users who also complained about the draining of the battery life after the level of the battery reaches 30% and then the device shuts down automatically. Many users also complained that even after full charge and not doing any active work on the phone, the battery drains out after two hours. It is also complained by few customers that while on charge the phone shows a great level of battery but soon drops down to lower level as soon as the charging is removed.

Resolution of the issue by Apple

With so many types of complain it is evident that people are facing different types of draining issue of the battery. It was found that in some case on switching off the ”Raise to wake” feature the issue with the battery draining was fixed till some extent and it was however not the case with all the phone. One of the users of the phone after upgrading the iPhone to iOS10.1 contacted the support team of Apple and was informed that in order to resolve the problem the engineering team is working on the battery draining issue.


It is evident that the problem is persistent in both the old and new phones sold by the company and Apple so far has not been able to provide a stern resolution for it. It was seen for iPhone 6S users as well who complained of abrupt shutdown and for resolving the issue Apple launched a repair programme. As of now Apple has not come out clearly with the issue and has not provided any resolution. The issue is seen on most of the iPhone models and thus as per their statement their engineering team is still working on it.

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