The Witcher 3 is not optimised and supported by PS4 Pro
by September 19, 2016 1,156 views0
PS4 Pro has lately launched and announced many integrated upgrades but yet it remains to be an disappoint for The Witcher 3 fans. According to recent announcement there will be no PS4 support available for The Witcher 3 game. The game is one of the most popular games but it is confirmed that the Wild Hunt Game will not get any patch to be supported by PS4 Pro features. The news was confirmed by CD Projekt RED, developer of the game and denied PS4 supports as they are busy working on The Witcher Card Game including Cyberpunk 2077 and Gwent.
PS4 support:
Recently PS4 Pro announced its plan of upgrading into 4K and HDR support and with this PS4 pro becomes very powerful. But CD Projekt RED decided not to release a patch for Witcher 3 and the game cannot use PS4 pro power. The decision was revealed when Govind1262 sent an e-mail from Reddit enquiring about the PS4 Pro support for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and received a reply in negative due to their focus on development of other games. According to the email reply, the answer was very clearly answered through the following reply:
“I’m afraid that we have no plans to release the PS4 Pro Edition for The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt. Our team is currently working hard on GWENT: The Witcher Card Game and Cyberpunk 2077. We want to be entirely focuses on the development of these projects.”
Player Reaction:
It is assumed that due to lack of support of The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt by PS4 Pro, there might be rise in disappointment among its players. It is well known fact that The Witcher 3 is one of the most popular game and successfully managed to keep lot of players glued to its. No support by PS4 may trigger disappoint among fans but regardless this game reigns to keep its glory intact. CD Projekt RED who is the developer of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has so far not mentioned about possible inclusion of PS4 support in near future.
Conclusion and price of Witcher 3:
The Witcher 3 is a popular game and many players definitely expected to be supported by PSP4 Pro for better resolution, upgrades and power in the game. But the lack of support by PSP4 Pro is a slight disappoint. The developers have clearly indicated no support by PSP4 through the e-mails exchanged between Reddit Employee and developers. The much awaited launch of PSP4 Pro is schedules on 10th November and will be available in international markets at $399( around Rs 26,500). Currently the dates for its launch in India are yet to be announced.