LG G3 32GB
LG G3 32GB Mobile Price in India
This Smartphone comes with a large battery life of 3000mAh which is removable thus it can be expected that they battery may last long like Sony Xperia Z2, Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8. But actually this doesn’t happen. The battery life of LG G3 32GB is though not bad but it’s not very good too. It is an average battery. The full qHD screen consumes a lot of battery in full brightness. In full brightness, the screen eats up 70% of the battery. Rest of the features of LG G3 32GB is as follows:
Features and Specifications
LG has leaped ahead in competition by releasing a super screen Smartphone with the brand LG G3 32GB. It has made advancement to the technology and features it had been using in its previous Smartphones. The Smartphone supports 2G, 3G and 4G surprisingly. It is not much heavy weighing only 149g. It has a real screen of true HD-IPS along with LCD adaptive touch screen. Memory is quite large supporting 32GB internal memory which is extendible up to 128GB through microSD card slot. RAM is also strong of 3GB. Phone comes with 13MP rear auto focus camera having many capabilities and sensors attached to it plus a 2.1MP front camera for video conferencing purposes. It runs on Android v4.4.2.KitKat and 2.5 GHz Quad-core processor making it a powerful Smartphone.
Display and Quality
LG G3 32GB also made improvement in its interface. LG has redesigned the icons and the apps have been given different color scheme for easy recognition. The design shows that LG has been inspired from Samsung, HTC and Apple mixing up all their design ideas in LG G3 32GB. The color scheme of the screen is very much similar to HTC and the flatter design goes to Apple. It comes with fantastic glossy metallic shell but the quality of the metallic shell is not as good as HTC One, iPhone and Sony Xperia Z1. The display screen is 5.5 inch which is actually quite large and gives real illusion of cinema house. The buttons of the LG G3 32GB have also been improved making it more round and the volume keys are more ridged which helps user in operating them without looking at them.
OS and Tech
The phone runs smartest OS Android v4.4.2 KitKat making it favorable among mobile lovers. The smart OS supports all apps of Android and the fastest RAM and Snapdragon 801 processor along with 2.5 GHz Quad-core technology make them very convenient to be run on it producing efficient performance of the phone. It definitely is a good choice despite of few comparisons where it lags behind its competitors.
Camera and Multimedia
13MP camera with LG G3 32GB is another milestone from LG. It not only gives a new look to the interface but also an additional technology packaged in a single device. Camera has laser-auto focus feature which makes it the fastest auto focusing Smartphone of the year in the market. The picture quality is sharper than its previous versions. The front camera is of 2.1MP having wider angle making it possible for the user to take multiple things in a single range. Front camera has the clear gesture recognition feature as well highlighting a particular entity in the scene. The phone has a front facing flash rather than having a rear LED flash. The flash is not LED though but works perfectly well to support camera functionalities. Multimedia support is extremely excellent in LG G3 32GB due to the large screen and better audio system.
Battery and Memory
LG G3 32GB comes with 3000mAh battery life. Though it is quite enough battery but the larger screen reduces its fantasy. If LG has to give benefit of this much battery life, and then it has to reduce the number of pixels on the screen. The battery life is very good but not as great as other Smartphones from LG. The phone is quite sensitive as it senses the touch of user and the frame rate of the display automatically gets slow down if not needed along with the clock speed of the processor and LCD controls also gets adaptive to user usage. There is a perfect synchronization among all functionalities allowing to hardly getting over warm under heavy use. The memory of the phone is another big thing. It comes with 32GB internal memory extendible to 128GB which is too much than expected of LG along with 3GB RAM.
Pros and Cons
For pros:
· Perfect large 5.5-inch HD screen
· Good camera performance
· Better and improved interface
· Large Internal Memory
For Cons:
· Metallic chassis are not of good quality
· QHD eats up a lot of memory
· Battery life lesser to support all features
LG G3 32GB is a perfect phablet than a Smartphone. All the features are tremendous in it if we overlook battery life; it actually pays back the money for its performance. The only problem is its design which has to be improved as well. LG needs to give more attention to battery life and the design of the phone for its next release to make it a mind blowing Smartphone of the year.
Mobile Specs Analysis to find best models in Price Range of Rs. 13,000 to 17,000.
LG G3 32GB Features and Specifications
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